Jan 25, 2022
In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast, Eugene
Alford MD and Emily Newstrom examine primary and revision
rhinoplasty over a 4-year period..
This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article:
“Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty: A Single Surgeon Experience
and Patient Satisfaction” by Rishi Suresh, Andres F. Doval,
Emily Newstrom, Truce Pham, and Eugene L. Alford.
Read the article for free on PRSGlobalOpen.com:
Dr. Alford is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and
Associate Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery and
Otolaryngology of Weill Cornell College of Medicine in Houston,
Texas. at the Texas A&M College of Medicine in Houston,
Ms. Newstrom is a fourth-year medical student at Texas A&M
College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon
and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney in