Feb 8, 2022
In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast,
Santiago Ochandiano MD, David García-Mato PhD, and Marius Linguraru
DPhil present a new approach for automatic planning of
fronto-orbital advancement.
This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article:
“Effectiveness of Automatic Planning of Fronto-orbital
Advancement for the Surgical Correction of Metopic
Craniosynostosis” by David García-Mato, Antonio R. Porras,
Santiago Ochandiano, Gary F. Rogers, Roberto García-Leal, José I.
Salmerón, Javier Pascau, and Marius George Linguraru.
Read the article for free on PRSGlobalOpen.com:
Dr. Ochandiano is a craniofacial plastic surgeon at the Gregorio
Marañón Hospital in Madrid, Spain.
Dr. Garcia-Mato is a research and development engineer in Las
Palmas, Spain.
Dr. Linguraru is Principal Investigator at Children's National
Hospial and Professor of Pediatrics and Radiology at the School of
Medicine and Health Sciences at George Washington University in
Washington, D.C.
Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon
and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney in
#PRSGlobalOpen #KeynotesPodcast #PlasticSurgery