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PRS Global Open Keynotes

Feb 27, 2020

In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast, Jesse Goldstein MD discusses the effects of craniosynostosis and the incidence of related congenital anomalies including Chiari malformations and sagittal craniosynostosis.

The PRS Global Open article discussed is available to read for free on

“The Incidence of Chiari Malformations in Patients with Isolated Sagittal Synostosis” by Amani Ali Davis, Giulio Zuccoli, Mostafa M. Haredy, Lauren Runkel, Joseph Losee, Ian F. Pollack, Mandeep S. Tamber, Elizabeth Tyler-Kabara, Jesse A. Goldstein, Ken-K Nischal.

Read Here:
Dr. Jesse Goldstein is a board-certified plastic surgeon, attending craniofacial surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery of the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon and Associate Professor of Plastic surgery at the University of Sydney in Australia.

#PRSGlobalOpen #KeynotesPodcast #PlasticSurgery