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PRS Global Open Keynotes

Feb 20, 2024

In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Neil Tanna discusses use of the operating robot to assist with procedures such as mastectomy, DIEP breast reconstruction and lymphatic super microsurgery.

This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article: The Full Continuum of Robotic Breast Surgery: Robotic-assisted Mastectomy, Robotic DIEP Flap, and Robotic Supermicrosurgery by
Neil Tanna, Gainosuke Sugiyama, Mark L. Smith, Susana Benitez Sanchez, Raquel A. Minasian, Emma Robinson, Julia Silverman, John W. Shuck and Jesse Selber.

Read the article for free on

Dr. Neil Tanna is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and otolaryngologist in Long Island NY, as well as Professor of Surgery with the Zucker School of Medicine at Northwell Health.

Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney in Australia.

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