Jun 29, 2021
In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast, Diana
Carrau MD and Jeffrey Janis MD discuss the effects of physician
burnout and strategies for combating it.
This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open
“Physician Burnout: Solutions for Individuals and
Organizations” by Diana Carrau and Jeffrey E. Janis.
Read it for free on PRSGlobalOpen.com:
Dr. Janis is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Columbus, Ohio.
He is full-time faculty member at The Ohio State University Wexner
Medical Center as a Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery,
with adjunct appointments as a professor in the Departments of
Neurosurgery, Neurology and Surgery, and Chief of Plastic Surgery
at University Hospital. Dr. Janis is also the Editor-in-chief of
PRS Global Open.
Dr. Carrau is a chief plastic surgery resident at The Ohio State
University’s Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
This “PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast Resident Ambassador Special
Edition” is hosted by the 2021 PRS Global Open Resident
Ambassadors: Dr. Macarena Vizcay from Buenos Aires, Argentina; Dr.
Íris Brito from Coimbra, Portugal; and Dr. Murilo Secanho from São
Paulo, Brazil.
#PRSGlobalOpen #KeynotesPodcast #PlasticSurgery