Mar 21, 2023
In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast, Dr. Karen
Evans and Dr. Christopher Attinger discuss the safety of continuing
antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications in patients undergoing
split skin graft procedures.
This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article:
Neither Antiplatelet nor Anticoagulant Therapy Increases Graft
Failure after Split-thickness Skin Grafting by Elliot T.
Walters, Kevin G. Kim, Paige K. Dekker, Gregory P. Stimac, Shyamin
Mehra, Tammer Elmarsafi, John S. Steinberg, Christopher E.
Attinger, Paul J. Kim and Karen K. Evans.
Read the articles for free on
Drs. Evans and Attinger are both Professors in the
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Medstar
Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC.
Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon
and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney in
#PRSGlobalOpen #KeynotesPodcast #PlasticSurgery