Apr 13, 2021
This episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes Podcast discusses
the controversial topic of surgery for gender dysphoria with Dr.
Oscar Manrique and Dr. Andres Mascaro Pankova.
The PRS Global Open University of Rochester Mini-Series on
“Gender-Affirming Surgery” contains 4 peer-reviewed articles on the
topic and is available to read for free on PRSGlobalOpen.com.
Read it here: http://bit.ly/GenderSurgeryMiniSeries
Dr. Oscar Manrique is a board-certified plastic surgeon and an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.
Dr. Andres Mascaro Pankova is a board-certified plastic surgeon
at the Cleveland Clinic Florida, in Weston, Florida.
Your host, Dr. Damian Marucci, is a board-certified plastic surgeon
and Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of
Sydney in Australia.
#PRSGlobalOpen #KeynotesPodcast #PlasticSurgery